The importance of photos when buying a product online cannot be overemphasized. Therefore, images posted on Amazon should be bright, clear, high-quality, showing the product in different angles with the possibility of zooming in. All this will have an immediate impact on your conversion rate.
Share our tips on which images and photos will be more effective for selling your product.
Good lighting:Share our tips on which images and photos will be more effective for selling your product.
Bright white light: the product is well lit, there are no deep large shadows – just a light shadow and a slight reflection from the surface.
The slight surface reflection is a plus.
White background:
The background is completely white, not bluish, grayish, or any other color.
Use only a pure white background for the main image.
Composition of the main photo:
· The product in the center takes up 80% of the frame.
· There is no clutter of elements.
You can, but be careful:
· Infographics on the benefits of the item to increase sales;
· Emotional photos of people using the item;
· A slogan phrase explaining the value;
· Swatches and other alternative formats.
Additional recommendations for the main image:
· Main product only, no accessories, box and so on;
· Square or rectangular with portrait orientation.
Frequent errors with images in Amazon listings:
· Logos, texts or watermarks on images;
· Multiple images for multipacks;
· Colored background of the main image (for others it is allowed, but the main image must have a white background);
· Multiple types of products in one image;
· Presence of accessories and other things in the photo that are not sold with the product.